| 1. | Acres of black and yellow smoke rolled steadily towards the sea . 成片的黑黄色的浓烟不断地滚滚涌向大海。 |
| 2. | The single crystal is sectioned and then sliced and subsliced with a diamond . 用金刚石锯先将单晶体切成段,再切成片。 |
| 3. | In effecting recharge by flooding, water is spread over the land surface in a thin sheet . 以漫灌法所进行的补给是将水成片地铺洒在地面上。 |
| 4. | Sakers and aspirators separate the hull from the cracked cotyledons and rollers flake them . 皮壳与破碎的豆瓣,通过振动筛和吸壳器彼此分离,豆瓣由滚轮压成片。 |
| 5. | The butcher takes a package of sliced bacon wrapped in cellophane, wraps it in brown paper, seals it, and marks the price . 卖肉的拿了一包用玻璃纸包着的切成片的腌猪肉,用棕色纸包上粘好,标上价钱。 |
| 6. | We walked to the edge of the swamp and looked over it. apparently it was boundless, and vast flocks of every sort of waterfowl flew from its recesses, till it was sometimes difficult to see the sky . 我们走到沼泽边上,极目望去,沼泽无边无涯。水草深处,各种水鸟成群成片地飞起,有时会蔽日遮天。 |
| 7. | Qingwu no dust , no salt into a television film 轻舞飞扬没有,丑女无盐成片。 |
| 8. | Poultry or meat cut into pieces and stewed in gravy 炖肉将家禽或肉切成片在肉汁中炖 |
| 9. | Laws , like houses , lean on one another 法律像房子一样,倒下去都是成片的。 |
| 10. | A skilled person can split slate into layers 手巧的人能把板岩剖成片 |