They have an understanding of enemy orders of battle 还能够明白敌战斗命令
It is followed about 12 hours later by an operations order 12小时后才相继下达战斗命令。
The enlistment order required that recruits meet full marine corps physical requirements and have a sufficient knowledge of english and navajo to transmit combat messages in navajo 征兵令中要求纳瓦霍新兵能通过海军陆战队的体检,并有足够的英语和纳瓦霍语知识以完成用纳瓦霍语传送战斗命令的任务。
There is information that one of yesterday ' s air strikes severely damaged one of their communication and control centers and currently the iraqi command has to control their units using vhf - stations and envoys which delays battle - orders and commands 有消息说昨天的一次空袭严重损坏了伊军一个通讯控制中心,目前伊军指挥部不得不使用甚高频发射站和通讯员来控制伊军各单位,这使得战斗命令和指挥被拖延。