| 1. | Mental disorders due to systemic lupus erythematosus 系统性红斑狼疮所致精神障碍 |
| 2. | Mental disorders due to use of psychoactive substances 精神活性物质所致精神障碍 |
| 3. | Mental disorders due to vascular disease of acute onset 急性脑血管病所致精神障碍 |
| 4. | Mental disorders due to subcortical vascular disease 皮层下血管病所致精神障碍 |
| 5. | Mental disorders due to disease of connective tissue 结缔组织疾病所致精神障碍 |
| 6. | Mental disorders due to human immunodeficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病毒所致精神障碍 |
| 7. | Mental disorders due to nutritional and metabolic disease 营养代谢疾病所致精神障碍 |
| 8. | Mental disorders due to acute virus encephalitis 急性病毒性脑炎所致精神障碍 |
| 9. | Mental disorders due to cortical vascular disease 皮层性血管病所致精神障碍 |
| 10. | Mental disorders due to use of sedatives or hypnotics 镇静催眠药或抗焦虑药所致精神障碍 |