| 1. | Conclusion transverse incision should be adopted if operation and safety are not affected 结论( 1 )在不影响手术操作及安全的前题下,采用横向切口。 |
| 2. | Mea is an effective , minimally invasive procedure for the safe treatment of menorrhagia in a wide range of patients Mea是一项用于治疗大范围的月经过多患者的安全有效且创伤极小的手术操作。 |
| 3. | Clinical coding is the translation of narrative descriptions of diseases , injuries and procedures into alphanumeric codes 临床编码工作是把对疾病、损伤、手术操作等等的描述性的文字资料转化成数字编码的工作。 |
| 4. | They indicated tha in addition to thecting t lymphocytes , mmf directly affected dcs , resulting in an impairment of haune responses 通过以上的改进,使手术时间明显缩短,减少手术操作的难度,增加了手术成功率。 |
| 5. | Nephrogenic metaplasia is a metaplastic process seen after surgical manipulation of the urinary tract , or in association with trauma , stones , and inflammation 肾源性化生常见于尿路手术操作后,或与尿路创伤、结石和炎症有关。 |
| 6. | Conclusions the main causes of low vision after the meiecce in our study include the primary disease before surgery , complications and surgical techniques 结论眼部原发病、手术并发症及手术操作技巧是导致术后低视力的主要因素。 |
| 7. | The results of long - time following - up should be further observed and wany clinical problems need to be further solved 但目前对其远期效果尚待进一步观察,关于移植物的消毒储存、手术操作技术、功能康复训练等临床问题也有待于进一步研究。 |
| 8. | Conclusion choosing different surgery procedures in different situation , offering sufficient pre - operation preparation and using exact operation skills are the keys of success 结论根据不同的外伤情况,选择针对性的手术方案,再加充分的准备和正确的手术操作是手术成功的关键。 |
| 9. | Then , based on the requirements of ms for robotics , the robotic system which could be used in ms is analyzed in the architecture , working and design of its control system 然后,针对显微手术操作对机器人的需求,对用于显微手术操作的机器人系统的结构组成、工作方式和控制系统设计作了分析。 |
| 10. | In general , the goals should be achieved in as few sessions as possible to minimize the number of times the donor area is accessed and be the least disruptive to the patient ' s life 总体上来讲,最理想的结果是尽可能达到最少的手术次数、最短的供区手术操作时间、最低限度地影响患者的日常生活。 |