[ pīgānlìdǎn ] lay bare [open] one's mind [heart]; bare [open up] one's heart; be loyal and faithful; be open and sincere; disembosom oneself; disclose one's secret feelings; hang one's heart on one's sleeve; reveal one's innermost feelings; speak from the innermost heart; speak the truth straight from one's heart; split one's liver and gall with exertion; unbosom oneself; unbutton one's soul
Example Sentences:
The compassion of his love for her, as she saw it, made her lift up her heart to him in devotion . 而他爱她,在她看来,则是一种怜悯,因此她就倾心相爱,披肝沥胆。
The ones who care don t call anymore . my feelings hurt 我怕你披肝沥胆我怕你夹硬死撑