[ bámiáozhùzhǎng ] try to help the shoots grow by pulling them upward -- spoil things by excessive enthusiasm (descriptive of a person, impatient for success, so acts as to destroy the very conditions upon which success depends); pull up a seedling in the mistaken hope of helping it to grow; pull up corn by the roots in the hope of making it grow faster; pull up seedlings to help them grow 短语和例子 用这种方法教育下一代无异于拔苗助长。 to educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up
Example Sentences:
To educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up . 用这种方法教育下一代无异于拔苗助长。
But it ' s important not to rush things to avoid setbacks 为了防止复发,拔苗助长是绝对不可以的。
The best thing is to give him time , let him develop 让他有时间和空间自己成长。言外之意好像是说不应该拔苗助长。
You ' re pulling my leg 你在拔苗助长呀
Student education shouldn ' t be overstraining . it should rather allow students to develop naturally 学生的教育不能拔苗助长,反而应该让他们自然地发展。
Some players feel the pressure of playing at the bernab u , that ' s for sure . so we can ' t burn out the young players ; we have to take it easier with them 有些球员肯定感受到了在伯纳乌踢球的压力.所以我们不能拔苗助长,要悠着点来
Despite claims that children are brighter than ever , researchers said the system of high - stakes tests had " exaggerated " pupils ' progress , with up to a third given the wrong grades 尽管宣称小孩子比以前更聪明,研究人员们则认为高水平的测验体系对小学生们来说已经是拔苗助长,有3分之1的学生被给予了错误的评级。