[ tuōnídàishuǐ ] do things sloppily; be bedraggled [bedrabbled]; be dragged through mud and water; be unable to make a decision; beat about the bush; diffuse, irrelevant talk; drag along, leaving traces of water and mud; dragged through mud and water -- an obscure style; drag out in what can be put in a neat and succinct way; end one's remarks in a hesitating or inconclusive way; give sth. to a person with strings attached to it; make a long-drawn speech; messy; muddy; not clear-cut; slipshod writing; sloppy; slovenly; spin out a discourse; unclean; untidy 短语和例子 办事要利落, 不要拖泥带水。 do things neatly, not sloppily
I can ' t tolerate ambiguous situations 我性情爽快,不喜欢含糊其词,拖泥带水。
Never make two bites of a cherry 一颗樱桃不要分两口吃. /做事不要拖泥带水
Never make two bites of a cherry 做事不要拖泥带水。
His rucksack lay on the floor a short distance away , wet and muddy 他的包裹就在不远处的地板上,拖泥带水。
If you are always so careless and slow , you will lose the chance 如果你总是这样粗心大意、拖泥带水,你将坐失良机。
When i tell you to break , i want a clean break . understand 当我喊分开的时候,你们要立刻分开不能拖泥带水,明白吗?
If you hope to keep your job , you ' d better get on the ball and meet the deadline 如果你还想要你的工作,你最好用心做,不要拖泥带水。
He will be doing all it can , to do the right answer , how scorer bizhoushe not a clear - cut other dragging its feet 他会极尽所能,想如何抽身而退,如何分手不费周折,干净利落别拖泥带水。
When the typhoon slowly advanced toward taichung and changhua , we thought perhaps our hometown would not be spared 当台风以拖泥带水的蜗步向台中彰化逼近的时候,大家心想老家这次大概也难逃一劫了。