| 1. | With an effort he controlled his temper . 他竭力按捺住自己的怒气。 |
| 2. | Beck winced; but he tried to be patient . 贝克倒抽了一口冷气,但是他设法按捺住了性子。 |
| 3. | On an impulse croft fired a burst into him . 克洛夫特一时按捺不住,抓住机枪给了他一梭子。 |
| 4. | Only once did the faithful wife give way to emotion . 只有一回,忠心的妻子按捺不住自己的感情。 |
| 5. | She obviously knew me and was bursting with gladness . 她显然认识我,而且表露出一种按捺不住的喜悦。 |
| 6. | The sun feels almost unbearably delicious on his loins . 太阳晒得他心里怪痒痒的,弄得他都快按捺不住了。 |
| 7. | Flora manhood resisted the temptation to contemplate her own body . 弗洛拉曼胡德按捺住欣赏自己身体的诱惑。 |
| 8. | Do not yearn in desire toward it, but wait till it reaches you . 你不能欲望中烧,按捺不住,只能静候它的到来。 |
| 9. | When elate on a subject, he could not avoid talking about it . 如果他有什么自以为得意的事情,他总按捺不住;要把它说出来。 |
| 10. | Finally, he could stand it no longer, he stopped, his voice trembling with rage . 他终于按捺不住地停了下来,气得声音发颤。 |