They answered the teacher ’ s questions in turn 他们挨个儿回答老师的问题。
And she began thinking over all the children she knew that were of the same age as herself , to see if she could have been changed for any of them 于是她就挨个儿地去想和她相同年的女孩子,她是变成了她们中的哪一个了?
I was just looking round to see who the happy thought would strike when be damned but in he comes again letting on to be in a hell of a hurry 我正挨个儿看他们的脸,琢磨着到底谁能出个好主意,刚巧该死的他又十万火急地闯进来了。
As he awaited the fatal signal he tested the edge of his horrible weapon by honing it upon his brawny forearm or decapitated in rapid succession a flock of sheep which had been provided by the admirers of his fell but necessary office 在等待那致命的信号的当儿,他把凶器的利刃放在筋骨隆隆的手臂上磨砺,要么就迅疾地挨个儿砍掉一群绵羊的头。这是他的仰慕者们为了让他执行这项虽残忍却非完成不可的任务而准备的。