[ huàntāngbùhuànyào ] change the liquid but not the drugs -- a surperficial reform; a change in name only; change in form but not in content; make a superficial change; offer the same old stuff but with a different label; old stuff in new concoctions; the same old stuff with a different label
Example Sentences:
He just warmed over his view 他只是换汤不换药地重复自己的观点。
We are hoping for something original in this new film but it ' s the mixture as before 我们曾期待这部新片子会有所创新,可它仍是换汤不换药的老一套。
Their ideas are exactly the same as twenty years ago ; only the jargon has changed . mutton dressed as lamb 他们的思想观点确实和20年前一样,只是用语变了,换汤不换药。
Even singing the national pastime and tv staple seems reserved for an interchangeable lineup of warbling coquettes husky crooners and jolly fellows in brass stars and epaulets belting out odes to red flags 即便是在国家娱乐活动及电视晚会的歌唱环节中,也总是看见一些换汤不换药的风尘女子沙哑的男低音和貌似愉悦的跟班,在军衔和铜制五星的簇拥下高歌红旗颂。
This essay have also talked about the well - thought internet - media , thinking the net - media is actually nothing , but the same with the old ones , with its strong - effect even more powerf ul . the depend on the internet makes some people addict to it 而本文对与普遍看好的网络媒介也进行了论述,认为网络媒介其实也是换汤不换药,其对受众的强效果似二艺回二硕士学位论文wmaster ’ sthesis乎更有过之而无不及。