One who painstakingly guides , teaches , resolves and educates 教学授业解惑,兼顾德智体群美
Most academics spend some of their time imparting knowledge as well 许多学者也会花时间传道授业。
For centuries , teachers " job responsibilities have been supposed to " teach , instruct , and explain " 千百年来,教师皆以“传道、授业、解惑”为其工作职责。
Atella is a teacher as well as a mage , although it has been a while since she took an apprentice 阿特拉不但是个法师还是个教师,虽然她不收徒授业已经有一段时间了。
Teachers are to tell tao , to instruct knowledge , and to answer questions . he who teaches you one day is like your father for life 八师者所以传道授业解惑者也,一日为师,终身为父。
Teachers are to tell tao , to instruct knowledge , and to answer questions . he who teaches you one day is like your father for life 八、师者所以传道、授业、解惑者也,一日为师,终身为父。
More importantly , there can be no su titute for a good teacher , who must not only be able to impart facts and theories , but also to a raise and encourage his students 更重要的是,没有什么可以替代一个好老师,他不仅能够传道授业,而且能够评估并鼓励学生。
More importantly , there can be no substitute for a good teacher , who must not only be able to impart facts and theories , but also to appraise and encourage his students 更重要的是,没有什么可以替代一个好老师,他不仅能够传道授业,而且能够评估并鼓励学生。
So far , i have been able to make enough money imparting knowledge to students that i have not had to spend time on other activities , such as paid consulting , to put food on the table 至今,通过传道授业而不是通过收费咨询之类的走穴,我已经赚足了盆钵衣食无忧了。
In 1990 , lawyer liu was dispatched by tianjin first law firm for senior lawyer training center hosted by ministry of justice and benefited considerably from famous jurists 1990年由天津市第一律师事务所选派到司法部举办的高级律师培训中心学习,学习期间受惠于著名法学家的授业栽培。