" luis is an extraordinary professional and we have a very good relationship with him . 路尔斯是一位极富专业措手的球员,我们的关系亦非常好。
The stouthearted are spoiled , they have slept their sleep : and none of the men of might have found their hands 5心中勇敢的人,都被抢夺。他们睡了长觉。没有一个英雄能措手。
Calligraphers , scholars , officials and even emperors often wrote couplets not simply as art works but also as gifts 无论文人、金石学家、文字学者、书画家,达官显宦以至帝王,均措手其中。
The uncle alone dismounted in a rapture of delight , and cutting off the feet , shaking the hare for the blood to drip off , he looked about him , his eyes restless with excitement , and his hands and legs moving nervously . he went on talking , regardless of what or to whom he spoke 他轻轻地抖动着那只野兔,让血流出来,他惊惶不安地东张西望,不知如何措手脚,一面开口说话,连他自己也不知道他在跟谁说话,说些什么。