| 1. | Controls in the previous release 控件的所有者描述支持的所有者描述功能。 |
| 2. | The mechanism in team foundation for describing a feature hierarchy Team foundation中用于描述功能层次结构的机制。 |
| 3. | These requirements do not describe functionality but rather constraints on that functionality 这些要求不描述功能,而是描述对这些功能的约束。 |
| 4. | The description capability describes the managable resource ? s set of captions , descriptions , and version - -该描述功能描述了可管理资源的一套选项、描述以及版本信息。 |
| 5. | However , you would have lost the opportunities that a more characteristics - describing annotation type would have made possible 不过,还有使用更能描述功能的注释类型的多种可能。 |
| 6. | Once you have abstract annotations describing characteristics in place , you can use the same annotations to implement other concerns 有了描述功能的抽象注释后,就可以用同样的注释实现其他关注点。 |
| 7. | You should separate the implementation details how the procedure does it from comments that describe the functional characteristics 应该把实现的详细信息(过程实现的方式)与描述功能特征的注释分开。 |
| 8. | Systemc is a system level design language which can be used efficiently in hardware / software co - design and co - simulation . it extends the abilities to describe hardware systems in the basis of c + + language Systemc是一种适合于进行硬软件协同设计和模拟的语言,它在c + +语言的基础上扩充了硬件系统的描述功能。 |
| 9. | Various windows controls and menus have an owner draw feature that lets the parent or owner window draw whatever it wants in the client area of the control instead of the standard control behavior 各种windows控件和菜单不是采用标准控件行为,而是具有所有者描述功能,允许父(或所有者)窗口在控件的工作区随意进行绘制。 |
| 10. | Web services , the ability to describe and couple together it systems using the ubiquitously available internet , is probably the driving enabler that has resurfaced a lot of thinking about soas in the past couple of years Web服务的描述功能与使用无处不在的互联网的it系统相组合,可能是过去两年中许多soa的思想重新热起来的驱动因素。 |