[ xiàoyóu ] knowingly follow the example of a wrongdoer 短语和例子 以儆效尤 warn others against following a bad example
Example Sentences:
Some countries and international organizations are learning from it in succession 一些国家和国际组织纷纷效尤。
This was what i wish d for ; so i took them up , and serv d them as we serve notorious thieves in england , viz 我把打死的鸟从地里拾起来,用英国惩治恶名昭著的窃贼的办法,把它们用锁链吊起来,以警效尤。
History shows us that many wars have been waged because one country was robbing another country , and there have certainly been no lack of subsequent imitators 翻开历史的篇章就不难发现,很多战争都源于“一个国家去抢劫另一个国家”开始,继而“群起效尤”者不乏人在。
Following bullock ' s example , director steven spielberg gave $ 1 . 5 million for the tsunami victims . spielberg said he hoped his actions would encourage other wealthy celecrities to do the same 有了桑德拉.布洛克的前例,导演斯蒂芬.斯皮尔伯格捐了150万美元给海啸难民。他说希望自己的行动能激励其他富有的名人起而效尤。