Battle forts built on the summits of hills 建于峰顶的敌台
The mutianyu section of the great wall is crenelatted for watching and shooting at the invading enemy . some of the battle forts on the wall are as close as 50 metres apart 慕田峪长城的两侧都筑有供了望射击的垛口,城上敌台林立,相距最近的不足五十米。
The badaling section of the great wall snaking along the mountains northwest of beijing was built at the beginning of the ming dynasty in the 14th century . being 7 . 8 metres high and 5 . 8 metres wide at the top on the average , it has battle forts at important points , including the corners 这一带长城始建于十四世纪明王朝建立之初,城墙平均高七点八米,墙顶平均宽五点八米,在城墙转角或险要处建有高耸的敌台。
The badaling section of the great wall snaking along the mountains northwest of beijing was built at the beginning of the ming dynasty in the 14th century . being 7 . 8 metres high and 5 . 8 metres wide at the top on the average , it has battle forts at important points , including the corners 这一带长城始建于十四世纪明王朝建立之初,城墙平均高七点八米,墙顶平均宽五点八米,在城墙转角或险要处建有高耸的敌台。
East barbican < > after the battle in taozhu in 1559 , qi jiguang built two barbicans at the west and east corner of the toewn wall , a poineer work in his millitary career . this practice prepared him for the large - scale construction of barbicans on the town wall in his late years 东敌台< >明嘉靖三十八年( 1559 )桃渚之战以后,戚继光在桃渚城的东西两角创建了两座敌台,这是戚继光军事实践的一个创举,为其晚年大规模建造长城敌台开启了先河。