Sadly, there is little of this insight in textbooks of mathematics at all levels . 遗憾的是,各种程度的数学教本都很少注意到这一点。
Postscript to the nestorian stone inscription of the tang dynasty newly found in luoyang 唐代中国景教与景教本部教会的关系
Basic education courses reform and reorientation of teachers ' education training aim 小教本科师范教育专业类课程教学改革谈
A certain portion of his time was passed at cambridge , where he read with undergraduates as a sort of tolerated smuggler who drove a contraband trade in european languages , instead of conveying greek and latin through the custom - house 他把一部分时间花在剑桥,在那儿教本科生读法语。他仿佛是一个受到宽容的走私贩子,不是经过海关检验进口希腊文和拉丁文,而是贩卖欧洲语言的私货。