| 1. | Again , the database vendor provides the implementation 同样,数据库供应商提供其实现。 |
| 2. | Will vary depending on the database vendor implementation classes 可能会根据数据库供应商实现类的不同而不同。 |
| 3. | Also interesting are the database vendor specific classes in line 35 , 36 and 38 , 39 同样有意思的是第35 、 36和38 、 39行中的数据库供应商的特定类。 |
| 4. | Therefore , other database vendors may have developed compatible database providers for rms 因此,其他数据库供应商可以开发适用于rms的兼容数据库提供程序。 |
| 5. | To be extensible , so that database vendor x can still expose feature y and remain pdo compatible 具有可扩展性,以使数据库供应商x仍然可以暴露特性y并保持pdo的兼容性。 |
| 6. | It is important to remember that jdbc is an implementation provided by a database vendor , and not all implementations are equal Jdbc是由数据库供应商提供的实现包,实现包并不都一样,记住这一点很重要。 |
| 7. | The language is under development by the world wide web consortium , with the participation of all major database vendors and also microsoft 该语言正在由world wide web联合会( w3c )开发,所有主要数据库供应商和microsoft也参与此开发。 |
| 8. | Using the wtp plug - ins , the new connection wizard is very similar ; however , other database vendors are listed in the database manager area 在使用wtp插件时, new connection向导也非常相似。不过,数据库管理器区域也列出了其他数据库供应商。 |
| 9. | Database companies also see an opportunity to be the first - and eventually market - dominating - supplier of a database that takes full advantage of the xml format 数据库公司也看到了成为第一个充分利用xml格式的数据库供应商(从而最终成为市场霸主)所带来的机会。 |
| 10. | The spring jdbc dao abstraction layer offers a meaningful exception hierarchy for managing the exception handling and error messages thrown by different database vendors : jdbc dao抽象层提供了有意义的异常层次结构,可用该结构来管理异常处理和不同数据库供应商抛出的错误消息。 |