纵: Ⅰ动词1.(释放; 放走) release; set free; let go 短语和例子纵释 release; discharge; set free; 纵囚 free prisoners; 七擒七纵 capture and release seven times; 不能纵虎归山。 don't set free a tiger.; don't let an evildoe
整: Ⅰ形容词1.(全部在内; 完整) whole; all; complete 短语和例子整日整夜 the whole day and night; 整个世界 all the world ; 整整一打 a full dozen; 整部小说 the entire novel; 十二点整 twelve o'clock sharp; 完整的句子 a complete sentence
补: Ⅰ动词1.(修理; 修补) repair; mend; patch 短语和例子补鞋 repair [mend] shoes; 补车胎 mend a puncture; 修桥补路 build bridges and repair roads; 补漏 stop up holes; 补一补 have it repaired; 补袜子 darn socks; 补衣服 patch c