From lingxing gate to dachen gate , there are dachen hall , minde hall ,斗拱交错重檐飞翘。周围以
Construction of extra wide dougong - shaped roof truss for shanghai jing - an temple 上海静安古寺超大宽度斗拱屋架施工技术
The stiffness of the element - group joint can be determined by mode analysis 通过木塔的实测模态结果可以方便的确定斗拱这种复杂连接的刚度。
The three flights of stairs rise to a height of 14 . 5 meters and the walls of the main hall are 24 meters high 三层台阶高十四.五公尺,主体墙高二十四公尺,斗拱至宝顶尖高三十一
The ground slopes up with each part and the whole layout is natural . the doors , windows , brackets 此四进随地势渐高,结构自然,门楹窗柃斗拱梁柱和台阶甚石均刻有精巧美观的图案。
The impressive facade of the green - brick study hall is distinguished by the solemn granite - block wall base and the overhanging roof supported by ornamental brackets , camel humps and granite columns 书室正面以花岗石块和青砖筑砌,屋顶檐下是雕刻精美的斗拱、驼峰和花岗石支柱。
Sentiment real - crystal palace stone structure , dian beams and columns , fang , windows , stone , decorated kiss and so on , all with engraved stone into components , then assembled joints mao formed 天乙真庆宫为石砌仿木结构,殿梁、柱、枋、门窗、斗拱、吻饰等等,全部是用青石雕凿成构件,然后榫卯拼装而成。
It is a three - hall building and the second hall is the place for worshipping the clan s ancestors . its wall and door are decorated with rare rocks , and the crossbeams and brackets are finely carved 祖祠门墙用珍贵的红粉石叠砌而成,横梁和斗拱饰以精致雕刻,还有石湾制的瓷鳌和狮子装饰,甚富传统色彩。
In so the view offers a brick tiles between authentic , flat lands , upturned eave brackets , five new winding path , go over , piaomaojuanxiu constitute a thorough warm , lithe cheong long lingnan style 于天光云影间映衬出青砖灰瓦、粉墙绿树、斗拱飞檐、迥廊曲径、色调明朗、朴茂隽秀,构成一种通透典雅、轻盈畅朗的岭南格调。
It is 19 . 5 meters high and 15 . 6 meters around at the base . built entirely of wood , the vault is supported by eight pillars . the roof has no beams but only a great number of brackets entwined within each other 它高19 . 5米,底部直径15 . 6米,全木结构,殿顶由8根立柱支撑,顶无横梁,由众多斗拱上叠,天花板层层收缩,构成美丽的穹窿式藻井。