| 1. | Galileo rolled small metal balls down the incline . 伽利略让小金属球从斜面滚下。 |
| 2. | We will denote by h the perpendicular distance from p to the inclined face . 我们用h来表示从p点到斜面的垂直距离。 |
| 3. | He claimed to have discovered the law of motion of an object on an inclined plane . 他自称发现了物体沿斜面运动的规律。 |
| 4. | Figure 3. 21 shows the forces parallel to the plane that are responsible for the equilibrium . 图321画出了平行于斜面的、相互保持平衡的几个力。 |
| 5. | Light enters and leaves at right angles to the hypotenuse and is reflected at each of the shorter faces . 光垂直地入射和出射于棱镜的斜面,而在每一个较短的面上反射。 |
| 6. | A similar effect occurs with golf balls, which always have "backspin" from impact with the slanted club face . 球棒斜面打击高尔夫球时,常发生“后旋”,就是这种类似效应。 |
| 7. | The lofty slope of his narrow forehead, the perfectly humane look of his cultivated brutality, struck shelton as ridiculous . 他那狭窄前额的高昂斜面,他那养成的残暴作风中的十分仁义的外观,都教谢尔顿觉得很滑稽。 |
| 8. | Slopping floor with express helical down ramp 斜面楼地板附设螺旋状快速下楼匝道式 |
| 9. | You wont catch me crying cos i just cant win 你吃我哭泣产地来源证我只惯于斜面赢 |
| 10. | A analysis of spring vibrator on a smooth bevel 光滑斜面上的弹簧振子运动分析 |