She would have moved heaven and earth to get here in a natural manner . 她一定要用尽方法,就是斡天旋地,也要以本来的面目前来赴会的。
This guy ' s not a han , but a daur 这家伙不是汉族,是达斡尔。
" wotuo money " is a kind of usury described in zaju of yuan dynasty 摘要斡脱钱就是指元代的高利贷。
The scholar foolishly took the school cooling pool for swimming pool 学?哂薮赖?把学校的冷却池当成?斡?池
Bukui was a chief of daur in qing dynasty , whose name was widely used 摘要清代达斡尔首领卜魁拥有一个应用广泛的名字。
When we got back from church , i went into the kitchen of the manor - house , where mary was cooking the dinner and john cleaning the knives , and i said - 我从教堂里回来,走进庄园的厨房时,玛丽在做饭,约斡在擦拭刀具,我说:
Tiemugeworchijin was a very important person in the early period of mongol nation , about whose death there existed two versions : being killed or dying naturally 摘要帖木格斡赤斤是蒙古汗国初期举足轻重的重要人物,但关于他的死历来存在着“被处死”和“善终”两种不同的说法。
Start with its engagement , marriage , divorce , and remarriage , it anatomises the whole process of the daur marriage custom and the change after release , reflecting the daur lively nationals characteristic 从其订婚、结婚、离婚、再醮入手,深入浅出地剖析了达斡尔族婚姻习俗的全过程以及解放后的变化,体现了达斡族鲜明的民族特色。
The above issues are important in theoretical research of law and legislation to realize the unification of efficiency and social equity in economic laws . part ii : the empirical analysis of inequity in legal adjustment of farmers " economic rights during the process of further reform in economic structure , farmers who belong to vulnerable group are in a more disadvantageous status in gaining their interests for the defects of systems . until now , the outdated , ineffective and unequal systems like the " discriminating " rural - urban dual structure household registration still widely exist 第二部分: “农民经济权益法律调整过程中有伸于社会公正现象的实证分析在城乡经济体制改分逐步走向深入,俐寸狡一二社会卞义巾场纤济体制改革杯后的体制转轨时期,山于制度卜的个亢斡以及巾场体制门身的功能缺陷,仙衍处十弱势群体的农民更是处在利益实现和社会发瓜的不利地位; h到今大,在“歧视性”二元户籍管理制度等过时的、无效的。