| 1. | Miss costigan was a paragon of virtue and delicacy ! 科斯蒂根小姐是一位高尚完美的天生尤物! |
| 2. | Captain costigan returned thanks in a speech full of feeling and eloquence . 科斯蒂根上尉用充满感情和娓娓动人的话,表示了谢意。 |
| 3. | She ordered the "wretched boy" to give up his engagement to marry miss costigan . 她命令那个“没出息的孩子”取消与科斯蒂根小姐的婚约。 |
| 4. | Pen read costigan's letter and its inclosure mechanically, hardly knowing what was before his eyes . 潘怔怔地读完了科斯蒂根的信和它的附件,简直不相信他的眼睛。 |
| 5. | Costigan has had the carriages of visitors of distinction before his humble door in shepherd's inn . 在牧羊人会馆老科斯蒂根那贫寒的家门口,有时也有贵客的马车光临。 |
| 6. | We must do mr. foker the justice to say that he spoke most favourably of mr. and miss costigan's moral character . 我们应该说句公道话,福克先生对科斯蒂根先生和科斯蒂根小姐的道德品质,还是讲得不坏的。 |
| 7. | Then she daintily removed costigan's dinner things, tripping about the room as she had seen the dancers do at the play . 然后她温柔体贴地替科斯蒂根端菜,在屋里走来走去,脚步那么轻盈,就象她在戏院里看到的那些歌舞明星一样。 |
| 8. | Costigan, in his most intoxicated and confidential moments, also evaded any replies to questions or hints addressed to him on this subject . 科斯蒂根哪怕喝得酩酊大醉,信口胡诌的时候,对人家在这方面提出的任何试探或疑问,也避而不答。 |
| 9. | He walked out of the gardens, quite forgetting poor little fanny, who came trembling behind him with her mother and the stately costigan . 他向游乐场外面走去,完全忘记了可怜的小芬妮,她浑身哆嗦,与她的母亲和神气活现的科斯蒂根一起,跟在他的后面。 |
| 10. | Miss costigan was a paragon of virtue and delicacy 科斯蒂根小姐是一位高尚完美的天生尤物 |