| 1. | Three subjects of chinese modern journalism history study 中国近代新闻史研究三题 |
| 2. | Reflections on the study of the modern history of the press 关于近代新闻史研究的几点思考 |
| 3. | History of new journalism : one idea for the study of press history 关于新闻史研究的一点设想 |
| 4. | Chinese journalism history : a syllabus that needs appropriate improvement 中国新闻史教学需要适时革新 |
| 5. | On wangtao ' s pressing ideas and their initiating significance in chinese pressing history 谈王韬的报刊思想及其在中国新闻史上的开创意义 |
| 6. | Lang established the asia association of photography , the roc international photography exhibition , and the photography society of china 一九二八年至一九三七年据任《海时报》摄影记者,成为中国新闻史上的第一位摄影记者。 |
| 7. | Due to lack of research to the history of sichuan local places , the profile of this representative newspaper is strangely vague , though , accompanied by different comments on it 由于地方新闻史研究的薄弱,这份在成都报业史上具有相当代表性的报纸面目模糊,评价不一。 |
| 8. | The first chapter presents a general picture of the rise of chinese woman ' s newspapers and periodicals from 1898 to 1919 , and points out its significance as a milestone 近代妇女报刊的兴起,在中国的新闻史上具有里程碑的性质和意义。第二章从五四运动到大革命时期是我国妇女报刊的进一步发展阶段。 |
| 9. | Yin yungong , male , doctor , doctoral supervisor , research fellow - professor , leader of institute of journalism and communication , chinese academy of social science , majoring in the history of journalism 尹韵公,男,中国社会科学院新闻与传播研究所所长,研究员,博士生导师,博士,主要从事新闻史研究。 |
| 10. | As a masterpiece of journalistic history of china , the 《 journalistic history of china 》 offered many inspirations for us to understand journalistic development of china and probe the evolutional regularity of journalism 作为中国新闻史的开山之作, 《中国报学史》为我们了解中国新闻学发展脉络,探求报刊的演变规律提供了诸多启示。 |