Herein i present a summary regarding the combat actions of the tank units of the black sea group of forces , north caucasus front for february - march 1943 在此,我呈上关于北高加索方面军黑海集群坦克单位在1943年2 ? 3月间的战斗概要。
Organizationally , we had three front armies , each of which was established on the basis of many " mountain strongholds " , and this naturally gave rise to a " mountain - stronghold " mentality in varying degrees 过去,有三个方面军,每个方面军又是由好多山头结合起来的,这就自然地不同程度地产生了山头主义。
According to resisting and unite working out , kim il sung successive camp , regiment , shi zhengwei , two , five armies unite the command post political commissar and concurrently commandant of river army of reed , three two armies division ( 1936 year , second armies weave jointly no . army from one at one army where yang jingyus leads , these teacher designations change into six division of ) teacher , command resist and unite and teach and for a camp of battalion commanders a no . of army two army groups 按抗联编制,金日成历任营、团、师政委,二、五军联合指挥部政委兼苇河部队司令员,二军三师( 1936年,二军与杨靖宇领导的一军合编为第一路军,该师番号改为六师)师长,一路军二方面军指挥,抗联教导旅(苏联远东方面军步兵八十八旅)一营营长。
According to resisting and unite working out , kim il sung successive camp , regiment , shi zhengwei , two , five armies unite the command post political commissar and concurrently commandant of river army of reed , three two armies division 1936 year , second armies weave jointly no . army from one at one army where yang jingyus leads , these teacher designations change into six division of teacher , command resist and unite and teach and for a camp of battalion commanders a no . of army two army groups 按抗联编制,金日成历任营团师政委,二五军联合指挥部政委兼苇河部队司令员,二军三师1936年,二军与杨靖宇领导的一军合编为第一路军,该师番号改为六师师长,一路军二方面军指挥,抗联教导旅苏联远东方面军步兵八十八旅一营营长。
In 1812 , when the news of the war with napoleon reached bucharest where kutuzov had been fourteen months , spending days and nights together with his wallachian mistress , prince andrey asked to be transferred to the western army . kutuzov , who was by now sick of bolkonskys energy , and felt it a standing reproach to his sloth , was very ready to let him go , and gave him a commission for barclay de tolly 一八一二年,俄国同拿破仑开战的消息传到布加勒斯特后库图佐夫于此地已经居住两个月,他昼夜和那个瓦拉几亚女人鬼混,安德烈公爵恳请库图佐夫将他调至西线方面军去,博尔孔斯基以其勤奋精神来责备他的懒惰,库图佐夫对此早已感到厌烦了,很愿意把他调走,他就让他前去巴克雷德托利处执行任务。