| 1. | The style, as a whole, is that of the traveller on his best literary behaviour . 它的文体,大体上说,正是一位旅人在抒发其妙笔之思。 |
| 2. | Without that lamp how blind the traveller would be, and how black and cheerless the journey ! 没有那盏灯,旅人就会双目失明,旅程也会变得多么阴暗而凄凉! |
| 3. | She imagined herself a belated traveler, a poor girl, an outcast, quenching her thirst at the wayside brook, her little packet of cresses doing duty for a bundle of clothes . 她想象自己是一个日暮无归处的旅人,一个穷姑娘,一个流浪汉在路旁小溪内喝水解渴,那一小包水田芹就权充衣包。 |
| 4. | Thailand has long called travellers from around the g lobe 泰国始终吸引着世界各地的旅人 |
| 5. | Thailand has long ] called travellers from around the g ] lobe 泰国始终吸引着世界各地的旅人 |
| 6. | Said the traveller then , moving to the brow of the hill “指给我看! ”于是旅人来到山顶,说。 |
| 7. | The journeyman project 2 : buried in time 旅人计划2 :时间之墓 |
| 8. | It can t be tourists matches 决不会是旅人的火柴引起的。 |
| 9. | I am a traveler in both time and space 我是时空中的旅人 |
| 10. | The rescue team raked the area for a trace of lost travellers 营救队在这一地区仔细搜寻迷途旅人的踪迹。 |