| 1. | They may kill newly established ramets . 新成长起来的无性系分株可能会被致死。 |
| 2. | Each clone has the same genetic information as the original . 每个无性系都具有与母体相同的遗传信息。 |
| 3. | Will it be sufficient to rely on the heterozygosity of one clone ? 是否依靠一个无性系的杂合性就足够了? |
| 4. | Conidia are the characteristic asexual reproductive units of fungi . 分生孢子是真菌的特征,无性繁殖的单位。 |
| 5. | A "vegetative propagule" is any type of vegetatively propagated tree . “营养繁殖体”是任何类型的无性繁殖树木。 |
| 6. | At the outset they must contain several ramets of every selected clone . 在开始时每个入选无性系必须包括几个无性繁殖后代。 |
| 7. | There are obvious differences between clones with regard to their self-fertility . 自交能孕性在不同的无性系中是明显不同的。 |
| 8. | Clonal propagation can also give some large gains in a relatively short time . 繁殖无性系也可以在较短期间内提供较大的增益。 |
| 9. | Vegetative propagation of nuts has been successfully practised for over 2, 000 years . 坚果的无性繁殖已被成功地应用了2000多年。 |
| 10. | These are inherent and apparently permanent and can be propagated vegetatively . 这些具有内在的和明显的遗传性,并可以无性繁殖。 |