Chinese translation for "日光"
- [ rìguāng ]
 sunlight; sunbeam; sunshine; rays of the sun ◇日光泵 sun-pump; 日光病 heliopathia; 日光玻璃 [材料] daylight glass; 日光层 heliosphere; 日光阀 sun valve; 日光发电厂 helioelectric power plant; 日光蜂 aphelinid; 日光感光度 [摄影学] daylight speed; 日光过滤玻璃 day-light filter glass; 日光胶版 [摄影学] heliographic print; 日光经济时 daylight saving time; 日光控制 [工业] daylight controls; 日光兰 [植物学] jacob's-rod; 日光疗法 [医学] heliotherapy; 日光罗盘 [航海学] sun compass; 日光摄谱仪 spectropheliograph; 日光时 dt (daylight time); 日光视觉 photopic vision; 日光温室 heliogreenhouse; 日光效应 sun effect; 日光仪 [工业] heliograph; 日光照明 daylight illumination; 日光装 sundress
Related Translations:
日光黄: su y yellowsu yyellowsun yellowsunny yellow 日光病: heliopathiaheliopathy
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | It is distilled by the sun, kneaded by the moon . 日光把它蒸腾,月华把它荡漾。 | | 2. | The sun breaks through the clouds . 日光从云缝中穿漏出来。 | | 3. | The white and graceful fane gleamed brightly in the sun . 白色雅致的神殿在日光中闪烁。 | | 4. | Daylight quenches the candles and the birds begin to sing . 日光压倒了烛光,小鸟开始歌唱。 | | 5. | The water looked peaceful and yellow in the moon light . 海水非常平静,在日光下变成了黄色。 | | 6. | You would not be in bed. you would first take a sun cure . 你也不必老是躺在床上。你先用日光治疗法。 | | 7. | He ran a day and night line, copying by sun-light and by candle-light . 他白天靠日光,夜晚藉烛光,夜以继日地抄写。 | | 8. | There were white clouds, like the feathers of ducks gilded by the sunlight . 天山有些白云,就象鸭茸被日光染上一层黄金。 | | 9. | A pressure buildup can occur while the car is parked in the hot sun . 当汽车停放在炎热的日光下时,会出现逐渐建立起压力的情况。 | | 10. | Odour drawn out of fallen leaves by the pale filtering sunlight soaked his nostrils . 透进林子里来的淡淡日光把落叶的气味蒸发出来,输进他的鼻管。 |
- Similar Words:
- "日谷" Chinese translation, "日雇佣者" Chinese translation, "日关野" Chinese translation, "日关于职务发明的知识产权利益比较" Chinese translation, "日冠花" Chinese translation, "日光, 日" Chinese translation, "日光,日照" Chinese translation, "日光;温暖;愉快" Chinese translation, "日光安魂曲" Chinese translation, "日光暴晒" Chinese translation