Sydney reuters - an australian bank has apologised for issuing a credit card to a cat after its owner decided to test the bank ' s identity security system . the bank of queensland issued a credit card to messiah the cat when his owner katherine campbell applied for a secondary card on her account under its name . " i just could n ' t believe it 在澳大利亚有这样一位别出心裁的银行储户,为了验证自己开户的昆士兰银行身份识别系统的可靠性,她以自己宠物猫的名义申请了一张信用卡,而该银行竟然真的将卡发给了那只猫,目前银行方面已就此事公开致歉。
Sydney reuters - an australian bank has apologised for issuing a credit card to a cat after its owner decided to test the bank ' s identity security system . the bank of queensland issued a credit card to messiah the cat when his owner katherine campbell applied for a secondary card on her account under its name 据路透社1月4日报道,这位名叫凯瑟琳坎贝尔的女储户用自己爱猫的名字向昆士兰银行提出了在其帐户内办理一张二级信用卡的要求,而不久后那只被称做弥赛亚的猫果然成为了该信用卡的所有者。