| 1. | So you see i am an important person . 所以你要明白,我是个有身份的人。 |
| 2. | The quality folk looked at his maps and pictures . 有身份的人看了他的地图和画片。 |
| 3. | In russia, father herzog had been a gentleman . 在俄国,父亲赫佐格曾经是个有身份的人。 |
| 4. | She is a woman of quality . 她是个有身份的女人。 |
| 5. | You are such a very old gentleman, and walk so slow yourself . 你是一位年高而有身份的人,你走路就很斯文。 |
| 6. | The pall mall pavement was deserted; the very red-jackets had gone out of town . 蓓尔美尔街上冷冷清清,有身份的人都走了。 |
| 7. | Next day he issued invitation cards to numerous indian gentlemen in the neighbourhood . 第二天,他向镇上一批有身份的印度人发出了请柬。 |
| 8. | Old osborne stood in secret terror of his son as a better gentleman than himself . 原来奥斯本老头儿暗暗地敬畏儿子,佩服他是有身份的上等人,比自己强。 |
| 9. | For a gentleman there are only two decorous states, absolute poverty or overpowering wealth . 对于一个有身份的人来说,只有两种正派的情况:特别贫困或极其富裕。 |
| 10. | The widow said it weren't anything but a soft name for stealing, and no decent body would do it . 寡妇说那也不过是比偷说得好听一点儿就是了,有身份的人谁也不干那个。 |