[ tiáofēnlǚxī ] analyze point by point; a detailed analysis; bring up each point in order; make a fine analysis; make a thorough-going analysis of a document, section by section, article by article
Example Sentences:
The professor wiredrawed the detail , whole class were sleeping 教授对细节加以条分缕析时,整个班级都在睡觉。
The twin ideals of our time , organization and quantity , will have won for ever 而连体婴儿一般的典范:井井有条和条分缕析终将不朽。
That , of course , is a huge over - simplification and charles taylor , a canadian philosopher , has devoted more than 800 pages to picking it apart ? without completely denying it 当然,这是一个过分简单化的假设;加拿大哲学家查尔斯.泰勒以800余页将其条分缕析,而非彻底否定。
Chapter five analyzes the two reasons for amalgamation from two perspectives : macro perspective of government and micro one of institutions of higher learning . it also analyzes the attitudes that staff and students hold toward amalgamation 一是从政府的宏观视角以及高校的微观视角对动因作了条分缕析:二是以实证的方式了解和分析高校师生对高校合并所持的态度。
If we can think about it and analyze it carefully and completely , we will be able to find the key origin is based on the social system and cultural construction of the male right which is the cultural core that exists in our current facts 从中我们条分缕析、缜密思考就会看到它背后的根源核心在于男权的社会制度和文化结构,这是我们现实存在的一种根深蒂固的文化内核。
This section is broken down into four subjections and each subjection analyses in great detail one aspect of the problem proposed above . these contents involve students , schools , parents , society , etc . the last part is result section 其次是分析问题,文章从四个方面对上述现象产生的原因进行条分缕析。其中学校方面涉及到“分班” 、思想教育、教育方式、师生关系等诸多内容。
After all , while the big questions of ethics of today can be defined and articulated in ways that everyone can more or less agree with , the answers to those questions will have to come individually from each one of us 我也期望在座各位提出你们自己的意见。毕竟,今日的道德问题是个大问题,即使我们条分缕析,侃侃而谈,对问题本身大致取得共识,但一旦谈到解决方法,各人都要自己寻找答案。
After all , while the big questions of ethics of today can be defined and articulated in ways that everyone can more or less agree with , the answers to those questions will have to come individually from each one of us 我也期望在座各位提出你们自己的意见。毕竟,今日的道德问题是个大问题,即使我们条分缕析,侃侃而谈,对问题本身大致取得共识,但一旦谈到解决方法,各人都要自己寻找答案。
On the basis of verifying the relevant historical materials , analyzing the details and distinguishing the true and false materials , the article affirms the version of " dying naturally " and negates the version of " being killed " and infers the death time was in the winter between 1246 and 1247 本文通过对相关史料的考证,条分缕析,去伪存真,肯定了“善终”说,否定了“被处死”说,并推定他死于1246至1247年之间的寒冬。
The teacher should also create the situation of description in chinese textbooks , arouse the student ' s sense and thinking organs and imagination by means of a variety of teaching methods ; exert a gradual influence on students the great figures and beautiful sences in the textbooks 而不是像现在多数语文课堂中条分缕析,斩头去尾的分析课文。运用多种教学手段创设语文教材中描写的情境,调动学生的感觉器官和思维器官,唤起想象,启发学生神思飞扬。