The goal of retting is to bring about decomposition of the pectin . 浸渍的目的就是在于使果胶质分解。
The thickening is usually greatest in the corners of the cells or adjacent to the intercellular spaces 细胞壁的主要化学成分是纤维素和果胶质。
Pectinase is widely used in juice production and wine brew fields owing to its ability for degrading pectin 摘要果胶酶能降解果胶质,在果汁制造、果酒酿造等方面有着广泛应用。
The hemicelluloses and pectic substances interact with the cellulose microfibrils of the cell wall to give extra strength and at the same time retain some plasticity 半纤维素和果胶质与细胞壁中的纤维素微纤丝相结合,这样就具有了较大的强度同时还可以保持一定的可塑性。