We will submit our offer through proforma invoice ( pi ) and manufacturer ' s certificate with bid bond ( us $ 2 / mt ) and bidding documents 我们将根据形式发票和附有竞标金( us $ 2 / mt ) 、竞标文件的制造商证书来提供报价。
By increasing pouring & molding machines and semi - automatic lathes , and setting up our facility research and development department , we were capable to processing standard metal and international standard metal accessories 主要加工设备调整,成立专机研发部,专业标金非标及国标零件加工,增加注塑机、半自动车床,积极开拓欧、美市场,生产加工领域涉及电器,电子及家电产业。
Also they could be treated as deposit or court guarantee . some bondholders also obtain capital from bond dealers by trading rs rp and this deal will not affect their interest payments . however this high liquidity feature is not for all financial bonds and corporate bonds and it depends on issuers credit rating and operating revenue 三流动性高:政府公债可随时在市场上销售,也可充当押标金或保证之用,或利用附条件交易方式向债券自营商取得资金周转公司债则须看发行公司之债信及营收状况。