| 1. | All - in - all , minato city offers uncountable sights and sounds 先进性合魅力?载港区案内。 |
| 2. | 181 , 000m3 of wood waste produced in hokkaido , in 1996 -会社案内 |
| 3. | Shindengen topics - termination of production of isfet ph meter and rainwater sampler Ph meter雨水采集器制造终了案内 |
| 4. | Press conference on areas related to the civil service covered by the 2000 - 01 budget 财政预算案内有关公务员事务内容的记者会 |
| 5. | We would like to introduce you to a licensed qualified interpreter - guides interpreter - guide group 通?案内业资格通?绍介?体绍介。 |
| 6. | The financial secretary has proposed in the budget 2002 - 03 to waive the business registration fee for one year 财政司司长在二二至三年度的财政预算案内建议豁免商业登记费用一年。 |
| 7. | To refuse to give evidence to a court or tribunal or committee , because the evidence may incriminate you 拒绝向法院或法庭或委员会拿出证据,因为这样的证据可能会将你牵连进刑事案内。 |
| 8. | Briefing on areas related to education and manpower covered by the 2000 - 01 budget by secretary for education and manpower 教育统筹局局长王永平解释财政预算案内有关教育及人力范围的内容 |
| 9. | In march 1999 , to give effect to the tax rebate announced by the financial secretary in his 1999 - 2000 budget , the department processed more than 1 . 5 million refund cases 为实施财政司司长在1999至2000年度财政预算案内提出的退税措施,本局在1999年3月份共处理了超过150万宗退税个案。 |
| 10. | In order to respond to the needs of both japanese and international travelers , we improve tourist information services at various facilities including tourist information centers to organize systems to show tokyo s hospitality spirit 为了适应国内外旅行者的需求,充实观光案内所等的观光信息,努力创建一个组织机制,向旅行者转达日本人殷勤好客的“款待之心” 。 |