| 1. | A group of five judges will decide the case 本案由一个由5名法官组成的团队来审理。 |
| 2. | Bankruptcy related fraud increased from 263 to 619 cases 与破产有关的骗案由263宗上升至619宗。 |
| 3. | Fraud cases relating to bankruptcy soared from 11 to 192 in 2001 破产有关的骗案由11宗大增至2001年的192宗。 |
| 4. | The chair proposes to add “ admission by application ” from year 92 案由: 92年度大学入学考试拟建议增加申请入学制,请讨论。 |
| 5. | These rules must be followed by citizens , and violation of these rules may give rise to a cause of action in the courts 这些规则公民必须遵守,违反这些规则会引起诉讼的案由。 |
| 6. | Lawyers must be courageous and willing to represent unpopular causes , because the right to counsel exists as a necessity 律师必须勇于并且乐于代理不得人心的案由,因为请律师的权利是一种必须。 |
| 7. | Mr chau said that the number of deception cases dropped 3 . 8 per cent from 2 , 396 to 2 , 304 and the number of street - level deception significantly fell 45 . 9 per cent from 477 to 258 其中街头骗案由去年的四百七十七宗跌至今年的二百五十八宗,大幅减少百分之四十五点九。 |
| 8. | As a lawyer , your goal is to convert the facts from your client ' s narrative into a legal claim that states a cause of action , or into a viable defense to plausible legal claims 作为一名律师,你的目的就是将当事人之陈述变为表明案由的合法要求,或变为对似乎可能的合法要求的活的辩护。 |
| 9. | Conclusion : only by integrating blood drug concentration monitoring with clinical pharmaceutical care by pharmacists can rational administration of digoxin to patients be realized 结论:只有将地高辛血药浓度监测与临床药学服务紧密结合,使地高辛给药方案由常规化、经验化转向个体化,才能真正做到合理用药。 |
| 10. | In england and wales , the high court is divided into three divisions : the queen ' s bench , the chancery and the family divisions ; the court hears most civil claim where the value exceed 5 , 000 在英格兰和威尔士高等分院分为三个庭:王座庭、大法官法庭和家事庭。价值超过5 , 000英镑的多数民事权利要求案由它审理。 |