So far , not one of them has been struck down by sudden death ! 到现在为止,其中没有一个人死于横祸。
Unless you are utterly exploded, there is always something to be grateful for . 一个人除非死于横祸,总有一些事值得庆幸的。
He was not, it must be confessed, very much cast down by good old mr. sedley's catastrophe . 说老实话,他听得忠厚的赛特笠老先生遭了横祸,并不觉得怎么愁闷。
So far , not one of them has been struck down by sudden death 到现在为止,其中一个人死于横祸。
What kind of national security do we have when were robbed of our leaders 当我们的领袖惨遭横祸还会有什么样的国家安全?
Those whose lives were taken did nothing to deserve their fate 也没有一条被这横祸无辜夺去的生命应该承受这样的悲惨命运。
What kind of national security do we have when we ' re robbed of our leaders 当我们的领袖都惨遭横祸,还会有什么样的国家安全? !
However , peter s trying to move on , and he s smitten with a brainy , bombshell barrister he s been chatting with online 另外彼得藉由时下流行的虚拟网路交的女友,却是引恐妹入室,招来横祸
Who knows what may happen , or how long the attack may last ? " in spite of the magnitude of the misfortune which thus suddenly frustrated his hopes , dant 这飞来的横祸对唐太斯那一腔热血是个极沉重的打击,但唐太斯并没因此被打蒙了头。
The painful catastrophe he had just witnessed appeared effectually to have rent away the veil which the intoxication of the evening before had raised between himself and his memory 他现在目击的这场突如其来的横祸已揭去了他昨天醉酒时蒙在记忆上的那层薄纱。