线性: [数学] [物理学] linear; linearity◇线性代数 linear algebra; 线性方程 linear equation; 线性规划 linear program; mathematical programming; linear programming; 线性函数 linear function
线性相关: colinearitylinear abhaengig linearly dependentlinear correlationlinear dependencelinear independencestraight line correlation
The petiole and leaf lengths and leaf widths and cork thicknesses and seed widths of the quercus variabilis communities appeared to have a second - degree parabola relation with the latitudes of the communities ; the petiole lengths and leaf lengths and cork thickness appeared to have a clear second - degree parabola relation with the elevations of the communities ; the leaf and seed lengths appeared to have a clear positive correlativity with the elevations ; the seed lengths had a typical negative correlation with the elevations 栓皮栎种群的叶柄长、叶长、叶宽、栓皮厚度、种长和种宽随纬度呈现出二次抛物线关系;叶柄长、叶长和栓皮厚度随海拔高度呈现明显的二次抛物线关系;叶宽和种宽随海拔高度的变化呈现出明显的正线性相关;种长与海拔的关系为一种典型的负线性相关。