Chinese translation for "正面因素"
- positive factor
Related Translations:
正面装潢: first-surface decorating 正面操作: front operatedfront-operated
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | But the euro ' s negatives are arguably just as influential as the dollar ' s positives 但是,欧元负面因素的影响可能与美元正面因素的影响不相上下。 | | 2. | The policy address , seizing opportunities for development , promoting people - based governance , highlighted many positive factors underpinning economic recovery , including 今年的施政报告以把握发展机遇推动民本施政为题,强调了多项巩固经济复苏的正面因素,包括: | | 3. | This can be a source of confusion to many commentators , who are disposed to regard the current surplus as a " good thing " but the capital outflow as a " bad thing " 这样会令很多分析及评论者感到混淆,原因是他们往往会将经常帐的盈馀当作正面因素,而将资本外流当作负面因素来处理。 | | 4. | Further renminbi appreciation , the expansion of the qdii scheme , corporate m & a and the implementation of management incentive plans are positive factors that would lead the market higher over the longer term 人民币进一步升值, qdii体系进一步扩大,以及公司并购活动和管理层激励的实施都是正面因素,将引领股市在更长期间内继续走高。 | | 5. | Since then , his successors have filled thousands of books with theories about what makes people take their own lives : the negative factors which remove the desire to live , and the positive ones that can make self - killing an attractive or even “ fashionable ” option 后来的社会学家也撰写了大量关于自杀动机的理论著作,指出了引致自杀的两方面因素,即令人丧失生活希望的负面因素和让自杀成为一种具有诱惑力甚或“时髦”选择的正面因素。 |
- Similar Words:
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