Chinese translation for "武术"
- [ wǔshù ]
 wushu, martial or physical arts such as shadowboxing, swordplay, etc., formerly cultivated for self-defence, now a form of physical culture
Related Translations:
武术气功: qigong of martial artsqigong of wushu 日本武术: japanese martial arts 中国武术: chinese martial artswushu (sport)zhongguowushu 武术会: yu-yu hakushdark tournament 武术器材: martial arts equipment 武术协会: the chinese judoboxingwnshu associationon 朝武术: japanese korean martual arts
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | She is expert at chinese boxing . 她的武术练到家了。 | | 2. | She is expert at martial arts . 她的武术练到家了。 | | 3. | Look at me , ms . i am fine without it 女士,就拿我来说不会武术不是一样好好活着 | | 4. | Chinese wushu , for example , has a very long history 再比如中国武术就历史悠久。 | | 5. | There is a thing called ' balkyoung ' in martial arts 在武术里一旦到达了某个境界 | | 6. | In recent years , wushu schools have developed quickly 近年来武术学校发展迅速。 | | 7. | Your master tells me - you ' re not entirely unschooled 你师傅说过你曾经学过武术 | | 8. | On the formation and characteristics of wushu culture 浅谈武术文化的形成及特性 | | 9. | How could lnternet go together with martial arts 英特网怎么会和武术联系在一起? | | 10. | The research on the spreading ways of kungfu - culture 武术文化的当代传播方式研究 |
- Similar Words:
- "武氏娟" Chinese translation, "武氏六路" Chinese translation, "武市" Chinese translation, "武市郎" Chinese translation, "武舒尔" Chinese translation, "武术,柔道" Chinese translation, "武术电影" Chinese translation, "武术顾问" Chinese translation, "武术冠军" Chinese translation, "武术会" Chinese translation