Instead you give it to a raggedy dude with a crooked - ass ' fro 而是给一个邋遢的家伙还梳着歪七扭八的非洲发型
Crooked botched print 印刷得歪七扭八,一塌糊涂。
Christmas came early for a gang of australian thieves who stole 16tonnes of ham and bacon from a sydney warehouse and left a festive thank - younote scrawled on the wall , local media reported last week 据当地媒体上周报道,澳大利亚一群小偷提前过起圣诞节? ?他们从悉尼一家肉店的仓库偷走16吨火腿和熏肉,并在仓库墙上歪七扭八地留言表示感谢和节日祝福。
Christmas came early for a gang of australian thieves who stole 16 tonnes of ham and bacon from a sydney warehouse and left a festive thank - you note scrawled on the wall , local media reported monday 据当地媒体本周一报道,澳大利亚一群小偷提前过起了圣诞节,他们从悉尼一家肉店的仓库里偷走16吨火腿和熏肉,并在仓库的墙上歪七扭八地留言表示感谢和节日祝福。
And then he took the water , and he said , " let s apply some music to the water . " so he put the water near hard rock , heavy metal rock , re - ally noisy music . and that water was all distorted , and it looked like it had faces in it 接下来他将水放在某些类型的音乐下,例如他播放了激烈的摇滚乐重金属音乐这类非常吵杂的音乐,结果那些水的分子结构全都变成歪七扭八,好像上面有脸谱一般。