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Chinese translation for "民族凝聚力"

cohesion of the nation
national cohesion

Related Translations:
天然凝聚力:  original cohesion
民族提琴:  fiddle
民族饭店:  beijing minzu hotelnational hotel
民族共同体:  national community
古代民族:  ancient nationality
民族议会:  national council
民族地毯:  nationality carpet
民族前进:  march of the nation
民族独立:  national independence◇民族独立国家 national independent countries; 民族独立运动 national independent movement
北方民族:  northerners
Example Sentences:
1.On national spirit and the cohesion of the chinese nation
2.On national belief and national cohesive force
3.Cohesion force of the chinese nation from angle of anti - japanese war
4.On united front ' s importance and pole in the national cohesion
5.The great unification : fit in with the historical trend and national needs
6.In national psychology , national cohesion is one of the essential contents national consciousness discusses
7.National cohesion produces an important influence upon a nation ' s development , evolution , self - relianc and independence
8.National defence education is build and consolidate the foundation of national defence , it is to enhance the ethical cohesive affinity , important way that improves quality of the whole people
9.This paper makes an analysis of the manofestations of national cohesion in the perspective of social psychology , and has a discussion about the factors that affect the formation and development of national cohesion
10.Part 1 : this paper depicts four aspects of the national spirit of china : enhancing international comprehensive power competition , coming into being good ethos , developing advanced culture and elevating national conglomeration power
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