| 1. | Relationship between apoplectic dementia and stagnation of qi and blood 气虚血瘀与中风痴呆关系的初探 |
| 2. | Theory discuss of the pathogenesis theory of deficiency of qi and blood stasis in ischemic stroke 缺血性中风气虚血瘀病机学说的理论探讨 |
| 3. | The report of 110 cases of cerebral infarction of type deficiency of qi and blood stasis treated by zhongfengkang capsules 中风康胶囊治疗气虚血瘀型脑梗塞110例报告 |
| 4. | The study of motor nerve conduction of the stroke sequela models of rats which are lack of qi and with blood silted 中风后遗症气虚血瘀大鼠病证模型运动神经传导的研究 |
| 5. | Therapeutic effect of combination of acupuncture - moxibustion and herbs for apoplexy due to energy - deficiency and blood - stasis 针药结合治疗气虚血瘀型脑卒中的效果评估 |
| 6. | Treatment of coronary heart disease with qi - deficiency and blood - stasis syndrome with shenqixiongtongmai powder : a report of 32 cases 参芪芎通脉散治疗冠心病气虚血瘀证32例 |
| 7. | Pharmacodynamic study of radix astragali injection for rat chronic glomerulonephritis with qi - deficiency and blood - stasis 黄芪注射液对慢性肾炎气虚血瘀证大鼠模型的药效学研究 |
| 8. | Clinical observations on treatment of insufficiency of the heart - qi and stagnation of the heart blood caused by coronary heart disease 益气通络利水方治疗冠心病心衰气虚血瘀证临床观察 |
| 9. | Experimental study on multilateral establishment of animal model of the qi - deficiency and blood stasis syndrome of cerebral ischemia in rat 多因素复合制作气虚血瘀证脑缺血动物模型的实验研究 |
| 10. | Qi - enriching and stasis - resolving therapy for cervical spondylopathy of qi - deficiency and blood - stasis with phlegm - dampness retention in 30 cases 益气化瘀方治疗气虚血瘀兼痰湿阻络型颈椎病30例 |