Of hong kong , excluding inmates of institutions and persons living on board vessels ,不包括公共机构社团院舍的住院人士和水上居民。
The fishermen built a tin hau temple at hau kok to worship the heavenly goddess tin hau and pray for good luck 后角天后庙屯门是昔日的水道要冲,水上居民为求神灵庇佑,于后角建庙以祀天后。
The temple was renovated in 1888 and 1973 , and more recently in 1988 . on 13th of the second month in lunar calendar , i . e . the birthday of hung shing , many costal residents crowd into the temple for worshipping 该庙曾于1888和1973年重修,最近的一次是1988年。农历二月十三日洪圣诞,水上居民多来参拜,香火鼎盛。
Being a strategic port , tuen mun attracted fishermen s communities in ancient times . the fishermen believed in the supernatural powers of the heavenly goddess tin hau and built a temple at hau kok in kau hui to worship the goddess and pray for safety 屯门是古时水道要冲,历来是渔民聚泊之处,水上居民为求神灵庇佑,以冀平安,因此于旧墟的后角建庙以祀天后。