江: 名词1.(大河) (large) river 短语和例子在江心 in the middle of a river; 鸭绿江上有一座钢铁大桥。 a steel railway bridge spans the yalu river.2.(指长江) the changjiang [yangtze] river 短语和例子大江东去。 eastward flows the chan
汤: 汤名词1.(热水; 开水) hot water; boiling water 短语和例子赴汤蹈火 go through fire and water; 温汤浸种 hot-water treatment of seeds2.(专指温泉) hot springs3.(食物煮后的汁水) soup; broth 短语和例子牛肉汤 beef broth; 姜汤 ginger tea;