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Chinese translation for "泌尿道感染"

urinary tract infection

Related Translations:
泌蜜:  secrete nectar; secreting nectar
泌尿管:  urinary tract
泌气组织:  gas-secreting tissue
泌尿学说:  urinary system
自泌激活:  autocrine activation
十二指肠泌素:  duocrinin
全泌腺:  holocrine gland
泌尿外科:  urology surgery
局泌的:  merocrine
泌水作用:  exudation
Example Sentences:
1.Distribution and drug resistance of pathogens in urinary tract infection
2.Therapeutic evaluation of moxifloxacin in the treatment of urinary tract infection
3.The clinical efficacy and safety of levofloxacin mesylate in treatment of urinary tract infections
4.However , more commonly , chronic prostatitis is abacterial and there is no history of urinary tract infection
5.However , more commonly , chronic prostatitis is abacterial and there is no history of urinary tract infection
6.These increased admissions were largely due to an increased number of urinary tract infections and urinary stones
7.Gatifloxacin oral administration for the treatment of acute bacterial respiratory and urinary tract infection
8.It is also used for used for the treatment of urinary infection , pertussis , peritonitis , septicaemia , conjunctivitis and trachomata etc
9.Then it must distinguish colic from other causes of excessive crying , including fever , uti , ear infection , and maltreatment
10.This paper reviews the pharmacologic agents available to the urologist in the expulsive therapy of ureteral stones without infection
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