He can not bear the heavy expenditure 浩繁的开支,使他难以承受。
To make ends meet , the family relied on mr . chen ' s pay as a construction worker 食指浩繁的一家人,靠著陈先生打地盘(建筑工)薪水过活。
How to find out a balance between the complex realistic economies and abundance theories , has been a key task to economists 在复杂的现实经济和浩繁的理论间找到一个平衡,已经成为一个经济学研究者的关键任务。
Consequently , basel ii now promises to be of mind - boggling dimensions . indeed , the consultative documents run into hundreds of pages in technical language 这种意见也有其道理,结果新资本协定篇幅浩繁,单单谘询文件便是一份数百页充满专门术语的制作。
There was plenty of preparatory work , but it was very touching to see so many initiates performing their duties with great enthusiasm and unity , each doing his part and giving his best effort 虽然准备工作浩繁,但同修们热忱团结地积极叁与,各尽所能地奉献一己之力,这种精神令人深受感动。
It seems a gargantuan task to teach a pupil to memorize every word he needs to know , much as if the child were being asked to shovel a huge pile of sand , with the shovel shut away 教一个小学生去死背他们需要掌握的每一个单词,看来真是一项浩繁的任务,可更像要一个孩子铲掉一大堆沙子,却不给他铲子。
The execution of the extensive plan which i have described , would connect the ancient and modern history of the world ; but it would require many years of health , of leisure , and of perseverance 完成此项我所描述的艰巨而浩繁的计划,将会把古代世界历史和当今世界历史联系起来,但是这需要长期的健康的身体,足够的时间,和坚定不移的毅力。
In the dissertation , we study the ecological relationship of plant communities . based on it , we not only study methodology of analysis of ecological relatioship , but reveal the ecology rules hiding in the disorder and vast and numerous data , which are aquired by a great lot of research 本文通过对植物群落生态关系的研究,不仅对生态关系分析方法进行了方法学研究,而且应用已建立的方法分析获得的大量调查数据,揭示了隐含在杂乱浩繁数据中的生态学规律。
This system can significantly simplify the tedious data in the lab and other control points , and thus greatly increase the production efficiency and decrease the amount of work by the workers . moreover , this system can also provide a flat for production technology optimization , helping the quality controllers to make quality control decisions . quality controllers can realize the closed loop quality adjustment and improve the production technology via the on - site equipment 本系统不仅能显著简化浩繁的化验室数据及其他控制点的数据,大大提高劳动生产率,降低工人劳动强度,而且能够提供一个有效的生产工艺优化平台,辅助企业质量管理人员完成质量控制决策,通过现场设备,实现质量闭环调控,优化生产工艺过程,最终达到保证水泥生产质量,提高企业经济效益的目的。