| 1. | Waves broke white into the flowers . 浪峰撞击着迸出花朵似的雪白的浪花。 |
| 2. | Some spray would arch over the front ramp . 一阵浪花翻过前跳板打进船来。 |
| 3. | The sea water foams under the bow . 海水在船首下面泛起浪花。 |
| 4. | The spray coming over the bow sprinkled the photograph . 冲上船头的浪花溅到照片上。 |
| 5. | Raw spray whiplashes the skiff, freezing as it strikes . 湿冷的浪花抽打着小船,随打随冻成冰。 |
| 6. | Below, noisy swells were breaking on the hull like surf . 下面,哗哗的激浪拍打着舰体,象拍岸的浪花。 |
| 7. | The river went from one rock to another, and made white falls . 那条河流从岩石中间穿过,激起了白茫茫的浪花。 |
| 8. | The tide was in and there was good breeze and a surf on the beach . 涨潮了,凉风习习,海滩上出现一道道浪花。 |
| 9. | Thomas shook his head, feeling the sting of spray on his face . 托马斯摇了摇头,浪花溅在脸上,他觉得有点疼。 |
| 10. | The sea is wonderfully beautiful, and so are the waves, with their foam flying . 海就非常之美,那些海浪带着浪花飞起来也美。 |