They are the world s largest globular granite sea stacks 半洋石帆是世界上最大的花岗岩球状海蚀石柱。
The eweishan magic stone park looks resplendent due to its marine - abrasion topography 鹅尾神石园独特的海蚀地貌,色彩斑斓令人称奇。
Discovery and significances of the geomorphologic remains of marine erosion in yiwulu mountain , western liaoning province 辽西医巫闾山海蚀地貌遗迹的发现及其意义
The special scenery of sea water crafted cave is formed due to prolonged erosion of sea wave on rhyolite rocks of the island 海浪侵蚀岛上流纹岩,形成海蚀洞的独特景观。
Two unique sea stacks of about 7 - 8 m sit on the wavecut platform located on the southeastern tip of the island 在小岛东南端的海蚀平台上,有两座约七至八米高、形状独特的海蚀柱。
Hok ngam teng ( 48 metres high ) is the highest point at tung ping chau . water - eroded platforms and cliffs can be seen from here 鹤岩顶是东平洲的最高点,高48米,可见巨岩壁立所形成的峭壁悬崖和海蚀平台。
These sandstone - and - conglomerate sea stacks were spared during the glacial sweep of the last ice age , but bear the effects of centuries of tidal erosion 这些砂岩和聚成球形的海蚀柱是在最后冰河时代延伸冰期剩下的,而且承受了数世纪海潮腐蚀的效果。
The various coastal features , waterfalls , potholes , bays and beaches , tombolos , flood plains , gullies , foldings , etc . are the masterpieces of natural forces 海蚀地貌瀑布?穴海湾与沙滩连岛沙洲泛滥平原沟褶皱岩层等都是大自然精雕细啄的杰作。
The various coastal features , waterfalls , potholes , bays and beaches , tombolos , flood plains , gullies , foldings , etc . are the masterpieces of natural forces 海蚀地貌、瀑布、 ?穴、海湾与沙滩、连岛沙洲、泛滥平原、 ?沟、褶皱岩层等都是大自然精雕细啄的杰作。
These sandstone - and - conglomerate sea stacks were spared during the glacial sweep of the last ice age , but bear the effects of centuries of tidal erosion 这些沙岩和砾石形成的海蚀柱是在冰河世纪后期冰川肆虐的时候残存下来的,并且呈现出历经数世纪海潮侵蚀的沧桑之貌。