And his marvelous sun was waning apparently to a black eclipse . 而他的光辉夺目的太阳明明是在黑暗的晦蚀中消损。
He has wasted my flesh and my skin ; he has broken my bones 4 ?使我的皮肉消损; ?折断了我的骨头。
Still rich and sweet , had a certain melancholy prophecy of decay in it ; he was often observed , on any slight alarm or other sudden accident , to put his hand over his heart , with first a flush and 他身体日见消损,他的嗓畜虽仍然丰润而甜美,却含有某种预示衰颓的忧郁人们时常观察到,每逢稍有惊恐或其它突发事件,他就会用手捂住心口,脸上一红一自,说明他很痛苦。