| 1. | Port cargo throughput 220 . 9 million tonnes 港口货物吞吐量2 . 209亿公吨 |
| 2. | The logistics industry in china have been keeping up good momentum by above 20 % increased per year recently 在经济发展最具活力的长三角地区,仅14个主要港口货物吞吐量最近7年间就增长了近3倍。 |
| 3. | It is found out through research that the result by combined forecasting model is more precise than by one single forecasting model 研究发现,组合预测模型相比单个预测方法具有较高的精度,能够较准确地预测上海内河港口货物吞吐量。 |
| 4. | It is reported from moc : the harbor cargo throughput and containers throughput of chinese has situated at first in the world continuously for three years 记者从交通部获悉:我国港口货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量连续三年稳居世界第一, "十一五"期间沿海港口吞吐能力将近翻一番。 |
| 5. | It boasts of its fine deepwater coastline and ports for anchoring . now 9 berths for ships of 10 , 000 tonnage have been put into use . its annual loading and unloading is over 1 , 500 million tons 舟山拥有全国少有的深水海岸线和避风锚泊港域,已建成万吨以上的码头9座,港口货物吞吐量1500万吨以上。 |
| 6. | Volume of freight handled in major coastal ports : refers to the volume of cargo passing in and out the harbor area of the major coastal ports and having been loaded and unloaded 沿海主要港口货物吞吐量:指由水运进出沿海主要港区范围,并经过装卸的货物数量,包括邮件及办理托运手续的行李、包裹以及补给运输船舶的燃、物料和淡水。 |
| 7. | The correct forecast of goods " handling capacity is important for the port ' s layout , investing scale of capital facilities , operation tactics , developing strategy and planning of comprehensive transportation related with feeder services 相信港口货物吞吐量的正确预测,对今后十年镇江港港口布局、基本设施投资规模、营运策略、发展战略以及与集疏运相关的综合运输的规划是十分重要的。 |
| 8. | Along with the speedy development of the foreign trade in china , the maritime industry attains the swift and violent progress ; meanwhile , the throughput of cargo is increasing sharply . according to the statistics from the ministry of communications , the throughout increase greatly from 306 , 86 million tons in 1980 to 1 . 64200 billion tons in 2000 with the annual growth of 8 . 7 % . as a result , the traffic environment has been changed and the vessel accidents have been increased with heavier and heavier in and around port , and larger and faster vessels 随着我国对外贸易的迅速发展,港口航运业发展迅猛,货物吞吐量急剧增加,根据交通部的统计数据可以看出,我国主要港口货物吞吐量从1980年的30686万吨增长到2000年的164200万吨,年均增长速度为8 . 7 ,随之带来了海上航行船舶数目增多,船舶吨位增大,船速加快,港口及其附近水域及航道中往来船舶的密度越来越大,使得交通环境发生了变化,港口水上交通事故时有发生。 |
| 9. | The part of application probes into the internal and external environment of the port in the light of its actual situation in zhenjiang . and it scientifically forecasts zhenjiang port ' s circulation development of goods in the future ( i . e . the developing trend of its handling capacity of goods and goods structure ) and raises new and significant ideas on the basis of analyses of strategic management theory 应用部分针对镇江港口的实际,对港口的内部和外部环境进行深入地研究,用科学预测的方法,对镇江港未来的物流发展情况即港口货物吞吐量和货种结构的发展趋势进行了预测,并依据港口战略管理理论分析得出镇江港口的发展策略,提出了新的有意义的设想。 |