The water of the lake mirrored all the trees on the bank . 湖面如镜,把岸上的树木照得清清楚楚。
The island with its inside lake is crisscrossed with many zigzagging bridges ; a causeway that spans from west to east ; the heavenly lights and clouds reflections in the glass - like water can been seen together with flowers in blossom 岛内岛外湖面如镜,楼台花树倒影摇曳生姿,天光云彩相映,着实让人恍惚迷离,如入蓬莱。三潭印月美景还从岛上向湖上延伸。
The island with its inside lake is crisscrossed with many zigzagging bridges ; a causeway that spans from west to east ; the heavenly lights and clouds reflections in the glass - like water can been seen together with flowers in blossom 岛内岛外湖面如镜,楼台花树倒影摇曳生姿,天光云彩相映,著实让人恍惚迷离,如入蓬莱。三潭印月美景还从岛上向湖上延伸。